Vision Mission


Our vision at G H Raisoni International Skill Tech University is to be a globally renowned Center of Excellence in education, research, skills, and innovation. We strive to be distinguished by our international collaborations, industry orientations, and commitment to holistic development, cultural diversity, and societal impact.


Mission Statement 1:

The mission of our University is to inculcate academic excellence, international collaboration, industry integration, and quality research to empower our students and contribute positively to society.

Mission Statement 2:

Our mission is to cultivate an environment that nurtures innovation, fosters entrepreneurship through incubation, promotes multidisciplinary and skill based studies, and groom continuous learning and adaptability to recent trends.

Mission Statement 3:

Our mission is to focus holistic development, celebrate National and International diversity, instil social responsibility, and cultivate meaningful alumni engagement towards the development of individual stake holder and University

Short Term Goals

  • International Collaborations: Forge strategic partnerships with reputed universities, research institutions, and industry leaders worldwide to enhance global exposure and opportunities for students and faculty.
  • Industry Orientations: Integrate real-world applications and industry best practices into the curriculum, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for professional success with the Skill.
  • Cutting-edge Research: Drive research initiatives that address current trends and challenges in science, technology, mathematics, arts, and management, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and societal well-being.
  • Student-Centric Approach: Prioritize the holistic development of students by offering a broad range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities, mentorship programs, and career support services, ethical and social awareness.
  • Innovation Hubs: Establish innovation hubs and interdisciplinary research centres to encourage collaboration across academic disciplines and promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Continuous Learning: Create a culture of lifelong learning, encouraging both students and faculty to stay abreast of emerging trends and technologies in their respective fields.

Long Term Goals

  • Academic Excellence: Strive for academic excellence by offering high-quality, research-driven programs that empower students with cutting-edge knowledge and skills in science, technology, mathematics, arts, and management.
  • International Collaborations: Foster global partnerships and collaborations with leading universities, research institutions, and industries to provide students with a truly international and diverse educational experience.
  • Industry Integration: Integrate industry perspectives into the curriculum, ensuring that our students are equipped with practical skills and real-world insights, making them industry-ready and adaptable to the dynamic demands of the global job market.
  • Research and Innovation: Promote a culture of research and innovation by providing state-of-the-art facilities, encouraging faculty engagement in impactful research, and inspiring students to explore new frontiers in their respective fields.
  • Cross-disciplinary Approach: Encourage cross-disciplinary learning and collaboration, recognizing the interconnectedness of knowledge across various domains, and preparing students to address complex challenges through a holistic and multidimensional approach.
  • Holistic Development: Focus on the holistic development of students by fostering critical thinking, creativity, ethical values, leadership skills, and a global mindset, preparing them to be responsible citizens and leaders in their communities.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Embrace agility and continuous improvement by staying abreast of current trends in science, technology, mathematics, arts, and management, and adapting our programs and methodologies to reflect the latest advancements and industry requirements.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: Create an inclusive and diverse learning environment that values and celebrates differences, fostering a sense of belonging and global citizenship among students, faculty, and staff.
  • Social Responsibility: Inculcate a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement among students, encouraging them to contribute positively to society through community service, sustainability initiatives, and ethical decision-making.
  • Alumni Engagement: Nurture strong relationships with our alumni, leveraging their experiences and successes to create a supportive network that benefits current students and contributes to the ongoing development and reputation of the university.